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Talented & Thoughtful - Friends


Two friends must have received a Good Deed A Day memo: Make a handmade card for someone.

LUCKY ME! I received two cards recently and am touched by the loving messages and thoughtfulness behind each creative sentiment.

Button Card from Yvonne:

Welcoming us to our newly re-built home, the buttons on this card obviously hold a special significance to me. Yvonne has close friends who lost their home to a devastating fire in our area, three years before another wildfire took our home. I recall how upset she was of their plight, especially that the fire moved through at bedtime as the couple was getting ready for bed and literally, wrapping a blanket around herself, her friend just ran (didn't have clothes on her back or even slippers); only wearing a beautiful bespoke necklace from her husband.

Yvonne's heartfelt "congratulations" and touching note is even more special because she doesn't know about my 365-Day Button Project. I plan on sharing that with her when I write her a thank you note.

Year of the Rabbit Card from Leslie:

Leslie is delighted to think of us spending the Year of the Rabbit in our beautiful home. 2023 is predicted to be a year of hope.

To me, her four mandalas signify our transformational journey from suffering to joy. Her wish for every joy & blessing is multiplied fourfold because of our friendship. Upper left = ease; upper right = bliss; lower left = divine light, illumination; lower right = inspiration. I am filled with gratitude and happiness that she took the time to create the beautiful card and mandalas.

As quilters and crafters, we often piece together a special something for a friend (or even a stranger) in need. We find purpose when creating from the heart. Creating something beautiful and useful becomes a treasured keepsake for the recipient. Truly, both benefit from the experience.

"The person born with a talent they are meant to use will find their greatest happiness in using it." ~Johann Wolfgang Von Goeth

National Reading Month

And, just a little tidbit to pass along my joy of reading . . . from "National Today's" website: National Reading Month is celebrated in March to honor Dr. Suess’s birthday. In this month people, especially children, read a lot more in celebration and although some people may find the increased emphasis on reading to be boring, the increase in reading during this month has significant benefits that will continue to pay off in the future. Reading is one of the best habits to develop; it strengthens the mental muscles, helps to improve comprehension and analytical abilities, and increases imagination and boosts memory.

On this first week of March, I've pulled Kaffe Fassett's "Quilts in Italy" from my bookshelf to read through and draw inspiration from. I can't wait to curl up with a cuppa and continue the journey that reads on the book sleeve . . . "KAFFE's inspiration for the 20 new quilts in this book was drawn from the exquisite, richly colored villages of Cinque Terre on the Italian Riviera. The region, with its terracotta walls and handsome black and white churches set off by jewel-like glimpses of the Mediterranean, is beautifully reflected in the colors and patterns created by Kaffe and his design team."

More on creativity is a quick read by Austin Kleon, "Show Your Work! 10 Ways to Share your Creativity and Get Discovered".

And, on my nightstand is Mitch Albom's "The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto" - but, that is another story.

Whether you read aloud, teach reading, belong to a book club or periodically post your book stack online, I encourage you to share your love of reading with friends.

Thank you for stopping by.


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