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Quilting Space - flooring

Wood, laminate, tile, carpet or, (living in Wine Country) should I consider cork?

Although I thought I had my sewing space set-up and furnished perfectly, the lightening-sparked fires of August 2020 had other ideas. With building permit in hand and construction of our new house beginning this week, I have before me the task of re-creating or re-imagining my new studio.

The size of the work area will remain the same. The window and closet placement has been changed. I've also added more task lighting over the ironing board and new location of my, yet-to-be-purchased, sewing machine. Of course, all of this has been done on paper. The real test will be when the actual walls are framed and I can step into the space for the first time.

After researching and walking on various flooring options, I'm leaning toward a low, looped pile carpeting called Abbey's Road Fairy Wings by Anderson Tuftex (shown in the photo above, with a close-up below).

Besides connecting with the name of the carpet, I like the neutral color that will blend well with the splash(es) of color in the room and with the hallway flooring. I will be using multi-colored head pins when I sew, so if one falls it will be easily spotted. And, the floor covering will absorb sound so the room will feel comfy. It feels good to have completed this one task - of dozens and dozens in front of us.

A dear quilting friend presented me with an extremely large self-healing rotary cutting mat. The size has been noted and I will be shopping for a desk or multi-purpose work table to add to my studio. As we take small steps and continue to cross bridges when we reach them, I am reminded that:

“It might be like you are still far from getting there, but remember, you are closer to it than you were yesterday. Every tiny step you take counts a lot!” ~Israelmore Ayivor

Last weekend, I stepped into a quilt shop - the first time in nearly two years. The shop owner said I was the second visitor that week. She's slowing getting back into a routine after closing her shop for a year and recently losing her son. She was working on a Christmas quilt with appliqué, and said it was a joy to be back at her shop. I was happy being there, too.

I wish you joyful progress on your projects and in whatever decisions you have ahead of you.

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