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The package postmarked 12/02/2021 just arrived today!

The cute fabric postcard contains the following note:

"I wanted to send some positive vibes (and tea) across the pond!"

The fragrance is a mixture of Pure Green, Earl Grey, Wild Berry Infusion and English Breakfast organic teas. What would I like: light & delicious, light & fragrant, rich & fruity or luscious & rich - oh, there are too many choices.

Sarah, known for her exquisite cross stitching, included this lovely "Positivi-Tea" ornament. Her Positive Vibes are lovingly received across the pond; with gratitude and warm thanks for the sweet gesture of kindness and friendship. THANK YOU so much!


Earlier this week we turned another page on the calendar, signifying the month of March. The artwork shows an invite for Zoom & Tea.

I've been thinking it's time to reach out to a special group and check in with my girlfriends. They were ahead of me on the invite with a segue to my button project.

Many thanks to Leslie for her magical and colorful card with a one-of-a-kind button! I love how she affixed it to her card and will have to see how I can use it on my embroidery hoop canvas.

You may recall that I am using the bright blue button as inspiration for the project design.

Moving along each day - this is Day 59.

I've begun stacking buttons to save space as we are still quite early in the project.

Sometimes, even using extra stitches to hold a button in place.

And, here we are at Day 64!



This quote hit pretty close to home:

“I don't need to get organized. I just need a bigger sewing room.” ~Unknown

I just measured my sewing/quilting space. It is truly amazing what you can do in a small 3' x 7.5' area in the corner of a room. We've been keeping busy working on our house plans and, yes, my quilting studio will be larger than what I am currently working with.

“I'm not a fabric hoarder. I am the curator of an extensive textile collection.” ~Unknown

It will take some time to get my stash back to what it once was. For now, I am spending more time shopping for fabric online than I ever have done before. Thankfully, color choices on the monitor have been pretty true to what I have received.

"Creative people don't have a mess. They have ideas lying around everywhere.” ~Unknown

It is interesting that I've been able to contain my projects to such a small space. Well, they are also in boxes in the closet and on notepads, on the computer and in my head.

Are there other quilting quotations that resonate with you? I hope you have a positive week of sewing, quilting or crafting. Take good care of yourself!

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