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365 Project - Complete!

We've turned the page of the calendar to January - Happy New Year!

This marks the completion of my 2018: 365 Project - Buttons & Stitches. It was relatively easy to add a button or a series of stitches each day. If I missed a day, I caught up on Sunday.

The finished work of art appears below:

These photos represent a progression over the 365 days. Click on the photos for a larger view.

From the beginning, I created color zones and layered the buttons because I knew that the embroidery hoop would be very full. I embroidered to fill in spots where I knew I couldn't place a button. As I layered buttons, often the stitches were covered.

Here is a look at the blue section:

The pink section is one of my favorites:

I had a surprising number of green buttons:

I haven't signed my work but I did put the date on the back

Originally, I wasn't going to add any duplicate buttons because I was pulling from my collection. However, as the year progressed, I didn't purchase or collect any new buttons. You will see a few similar buttons were used to fill in the various color zones.

Here is a look at the back of the project:

I am linking up with Kathy for some Slow Sunday Stitching - join me and check out the projects that others are working on.

A reminder about my inspiration for 2018:

In 2017, I followed Ashley Hackshaw AKA Lil Blue Boo with her One Year of Stitches and Buttons - Embroidery Hoop 365 Project and Sara Barnes - Brown Paper Bag's One Year of Stitches as Seen Through One's Embroidery Hoop projects.


How did you do on your 365 Day Project? Or, did you opt to participate in a 100 Day challenge?

I hope you have been inspired to work on a progressive challenge - it could even one item a week for the 52 weeks (to start, 52 "somethings" might be easier than 365 days).

In this New Year, I've been asked to create a Christmas Colors quilt for a friend, originally from Pennsylvania. A family heirloom quilt has brought out each December for the guest room bed since she was a young girl. Her parents are not ready to part with the hand-pieced treasure, so she's decided she would like one of her own for her home in California. I am reminded of a quote from "The Romance of the Patchwork Quilt in America" by Carrie A. Hall and Rose G. Kretsinger: "Time adds significance to every quilt, whether you make it yourself or receive it as a gift."

I am honored to have been asked to be part of this special project and look forward to helping pick out the fabric. Who knows, along the way I may learn a new quilting technique while creating something that will be one-of-a-kind.

Good luck with your one-of-a-kind treasures this year!


Your bead and stitch Year looks so good! Interesting to see the progress photos. It's probably quite weighty! I look forward to seeing your next project! Sarah 1/14/2019

You are correct, Sarah, the hoop is quite heavy but will lay flat on the wall when I finish the edge. I really am pleased with the colorful sections. Do you have a favorite button?


This is a fabulous treasure! Great job! I started the 1 year of stitches, but stopped after 2 months. Quilter Kathy 1/6/2019

Thank you, Kathy, I appreciate your comments. I'm not rushing to do another 365-Day Project too soon, but I may wait a few months and do a 30-Day Challenge this summer. I bet you are busy with quilting projects - best of luck to you!


Your 365 Project turned out beautiful, it's such a lovely and unique piece of Art, as a button lover and keeper of buttons I am just soaking in the buttons, colors and wow the back of the piece is so neat. How nice to be a part of creating a Christmas quilt. Happy New Year. Deborah 1/6/2019

After using so many buttons, Deborah, when I look at my glass container, it doesn't look like I used that many. I am now working on binding the edge around the embroidery hoop so I can display the piece of art on a wall in my studio. Thank you for stopping by.

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