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  • WarmQuilts

When I Grow Up . . .

When I was young, I wanted to be a ballerina, teacher, nurse and a veterinarian. In Junior High School, our Home Economics teacher introduced us to Elna & Bernina sewing machines, proper use of the seam ripper and creating perfect darts. Mom allowed us to practice sewing on our family Singer treadle sewing machine. I sewed most of my clothes through Junior High and High School and later combined a couple of patterns to create my twin's Bridal gown and the Bridesmaid's gowns, too.

During summer vacations, we traded Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys mystery books with a neighbor. My love of reading and admiration of fine typography came from our parents and grandparents. Supplied with several sets of Encyclopedia Britannica from a young age, our bookcases have always been overflowing. Perfection in typing with onion-skin paper, on an old Royal typewriter was encouraged and expected.


My career has been fascinating and fun. Introduced to the typesetting and graphics field, the manual typing discipline was key to my successful career as a typesetter, proofreader and later as a co-owner of a typesetting firm. A move from the Bay Area led to a career change as a Personal Assistant and Private Event Coordinator - supporting individuals and teams. My attention to the details and dedicated assistance allows them to focus on committed goals . . . all while creating events that help them celebrate important life moments. The combination continues to be a rewarding experience.

Travels to the South Pacific, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, Africa and most recently, South America have been educational and rewarding. I love learning, visiting historical sites and especially meeting the locals. I enjoy taking photos of my surroundings; like walking in the vineyards, while on vacation or visiting with friends. I am drawn to the creative and artistic. Sharing a love of fabrics and hand-made items, even with different languages spoken, has never been an obstacle. Teaching (one-on-one) encourages sharing ideas and helping transform a vision into reality. Volunteering allows an opportunity to give back and work with others supporting common goals.

Being a caregiver may be my true calling, however - maybe that goes back to what I thought I wanted to be when I was young. Connecting, nurturing and empathizing with a dear friend or family member, helping a co-worker heal or rolling up sleeves to pitch in where needed, gives my compassionate heart a sense of purpose.

Emilie Wapnick's TED Talk "Why some of us don't have one true calling" is a message that resonates with every part of my unique career. I'm always on the look-out for a new typeface, venue, computer program, pattern, invention, idea, a way to learn something new, adventure, etc., etc. That's just the 'multipotentialite' in me!

Quilting and sewing provide relaxation and creativity; friendships and caregiving provide heartfelt, spiritual joy; and travels to far-away places provide a connection to cultures and inspiration from nature's magnificence. Through work, friendships and travels, I view each as a path leading me on to my next journey.


We all have busy schedules and I admire those who are able to post to their blog multiple times a month - some even daily! Time spent sorting through fabric on my work table, seated at my sewing machine or even ironing; all offer calm in a hectic day. As many share on their blogs, there is no measurement of time when we are creating and piecing our quilts. From choosing the quilt design and fabrics; washing and ironing each yard; measuring and cutting the blocks; pinning, tracing, basting and piecing; to quilting it all together - it is in this familiar rhythm that we experience creative satisfaction and cheer each other on to complete each exquisite project.

Did you always know what you wanted to be when you grew up?


That was one of the most inspiring videos I've ever seen. I used to be ashamed of having worn so many hats! The shame and guilt came for growing up in a time when you were expected to pick one thing and only do that one thing. At 60, I'm going to finally hold my head high and be proud of my boundless curiosity and varied interests. Monica C. 2/18/2017

I am glad to share the TED Talk video here, Monica. And especially thrilled that it resonated with you, too. From one multipotentialite to another, I understand the excitement of putting a name to the boundless curiosity that we experience. I am so happy for you!


I can identify with much of what you have said about always looking for new ventures or more properly ADventures in life and art. I too have been able to travel far and wide from my native land, Australia, and experiment with many different art forms most of which I eventually abandoned in favor of an all consuming love of the art of quilt making and then machine quilting. I too learned to sew on my Mum's Singer treadle which is still in the family in Australia, and sewed almost everything I wore from age 11 on, then for family and home. Now I have a beautiful 1889 New Home treadle in a parlor cabinet that sews a perfect stitch! Insufficient hours in the day preclude all but the most preferred occupations and family comes before most! Roslyn 12/26/2016

A small world, isn't it? I enjoy Tim Latimer's videos as he quilts on a treadle machine - he makes it look so simple; it is quite inspiring to me. Here's to family time and many more adventures, Roslyn!

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