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Vintage Wooden Thread Spools

I love displaying my collection of wooden thread spools in two large glass containers in my Studio. Some of the spools are from my Grandmothers; I found several in the cabinet of my Singer sewing machine when I purchased it many years ago; my mother-in-law's embroidery cabinet held many small spools; and some have been given to me by friends who know that I quilt. My husband always points out wooden spools to me when we are antiquing, but I don't typically purchase them.

This colorful "Vintage Wooden Thread Spools" photo is part of a collection of Page Hodel's Monday Morning blog posts. The message reads:

Sending out this heart to my beloved Madalene Rodriguez, to begin the week with a reminder of the glorious healing power of LOVE. Please feel free to make a list of YOUR loved ones and forward this heart to them and help me "Blanket the world in LOVE".

This is the perfect heart to share, especially with a quilter - please share it with your loved ones, too!


I also love wooden spools. Like you, I don't go out of my way to collect, but I save all the ones that I come across with my vintage machine purchases. Angela 11/6/2016

I enjoyed reading how you've come across your vintage sewing machines. How nice that your hubby is on the search, too.

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